Two-week internship for interpretation in France!
Anna Shcherbakova and Olga Kulakova, Caspian Higher School of Interpreting and Translation 2-nd year MA students, specialising in French language, had a two-week internship for interpretation in France.
The tasks were rather challenging: accompanying Russian managers who came to France and interpreting during meetings and exhibitions.
Olga Kulakova tells us about her impressions on the internship: “It was very useful and we had an amazing opportunity to practice our language skills. The job was quite intense and we spent all the days interpreting – and this is what I liked about itmost. Besides, the internship enriched our background. Together with the delegation of managers we visited the world’s biggest food market Rungis and SIAL food exhibition. I also had a chance to go to Cognac, Armagnac and Bordeaux where we learnt about cognac production process. We visited vineyards and a factory that produces distillery equipment; we went to the cellars where barrels with hundred-year-old drinks are stored. I owe many unforgettable memories and priceless experience which is useful for my future to this internship.”
Meanwhile, Anna Shcherbakova visited Bretagne with another delegation. “It was a priceless interpreting experience. We interpreted all days long from morning till evening. First, we visited factories producing dairy products and later on some meat-processing plants. Upon the whole, the internship turned out to be fascinating for us because it combined both interpreting and language practice and meeting new interesting people,” – says Anna.
We congratulate our MA students and wish them to have more internships!