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ул. Татищева, 20а, учебный корпус № 1 (пристрой)
Центр конференц-перевода (3 этаж)
тел.: 8 (8512) 24-66-80 (доб. 330)
e-mail: perevod.astlink@gmail.com

Красота в тишине: КВШП провела очередной мастер-класс для глухих и слабослышащих

Красота в тишине: КВШП провела очередной мастер-класс для глухих и слабослышащихOn 29 June, CITS hosted a workshop on make-up for deaf and hard of hearing people, held by Valeria Borodina, a make-up artist. She made up a model with detailed explanations, shared the secrets of summer make-up and gave valuable advice to everyone who joined the workshop. Interpretation into Russian Sign Language for the deaf and hard of hearing participants was performed by Valeria Tyurina, a graduate of the CITS courses.

CITS holds educational events for representatives of the Astrakhan branch of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf on a regular basis, focusing on their interests and preferences when choosing topics. For example, the school has organized sports and culinary workshops and a photography lesson. In addition to their educational function, these events provide graduates of our RSL courses with an excellent opportunity to practice RSL interpretation in real-life conditions.

Красота в тишине: КВШП провела очередной мастер-класс для глухих и слабослышащихКрасота в тишине: КВШП провела очередной мастер-класс для глухих и слабослышащихSuch workshops make a huge contribution to the development of linguistic inclusion and gradually break down language barriers between hearing and deaf and hard of hearing people. The graduates of the RSL courses have a great opportunity to gain new knowledge, expand their vocabulary and apply existing skills into practice.